Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rest In Peace Finny...

Finna passed away peacefully a couple of days ago with her person right beside her. We miss you Fin - until we meet again, ARooooOOOOOOoooooooo! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bye for now...

Well, mom's back - yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Had a good few days recently, the sun finally came out - can see the peaks at last. Had a really long swim today, it was beautiful..fluffy clouds and mountains reflected on the lake that had mirror still water...ahhhh. Anyway, sleep time now, too tired to type, so much excitement lately. Until next time, goodnight all, aroooooooooo! xxx Fin

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rain Rain Rain!

Wow...the heaven's opened the day before yesterday and it's still raining! I don't care though..I just keep swimming! We have a new game (me and the person that's not mom) ...she chucks a stick off the dock, I dive in, then swim round to meet her at the's great endurance training, and seems to amuse her! The best part for me is diving in, I sing for joy!!

We got home last night after a good long swim and spent a while playing with the towel, she seemed to find it funny wrapping me up in it and taking pictures...I just humored her, but it did make my fur nice and dry. Anyway, here are a few pictures, gotta go, I'm getting fur all over my laptop - shedding is a nightmare sometimes :) ...bye for now, Aroooooo! Wooof!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Swims...

Mom's gone on it's swim time again with the mad Englishwoman...done a good few walks already but not been online. Dang connection was down! However, back online now and ready to put paw to laptop...Mad woman turned up last night on a bike complaining about having rubber legs and cold ears...apparently she hasn't done much biking yet hence the rubber legs and the cold wind made her ears cold...ha ha - that'll teach her not to grow fur - it was dusk by the time she showed up! We mooched on down to the lake and I became obsessed with a particularly large stick...was trying to drag it out the lake for ages without any help from her...she was just laughing and taking pictures. I got her back good and proper though after my swim for insisting on having a huge cuddle and rubbed my wet fur all over her! Was fun, got a good back massage too. It was lovely as we had the whole place to ourselves, only us and the other wildlife...not the tons of people we saw in the hot weather...long live the rain that's what I say! Anyway, must go for now...Rascal my pug buddy is hassling me to play...arooooooo!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Finna's Diary: Last Day for now!

Mom's back...yaaaaaaaay! So pleased to see her...haven't had a chance to write, been basking in her company! The person that's not mom arrived again as well last Monday, it was a bit rainy again, but then the sun came out...was awesome! I played and played and found a HUGE stick, biggest ever, and the person was laughing so hard as I dragged it along! We also met someother people who all asked questions about me and seemed to really like me...I think they just wanted the awesome stick..hmmmm. No pictures either, the person said a very rude word as she realized her camera phone was at home, especially when the sun broke through the clouds just as the Canadian Geese were flying across the lake, and I looked particularly photogentic as I paused to watch with one paw raised dog-calender fashion...ah well, next time! Mom's gonna take me walks until she goes on vacation again, so until then....WOOOF! :)

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Finna's Diary: Day Four...Long Walks In The Rain!

Well today was rain rain rain! It was awesome :) The person that's not mom came again today, grinning, and enveloped in something called Gore-Tex. I think she may be a bit mad, must be the English in her, she loves the rain and runs around like a mad woman! Indy came with us today, and she and I took it in turns to look after said mad woman. We all swam and played stick, but then decided to keep sneaked through the building site, along the valley trail to Creekside, and back past the mountain, and home again. Indy and I trotted on ahead taking it in turns to check she was still there..I often dropped my stick on her feet to ensure she was compus mentis. She seemed to be muttering bad words at the rain as her camera phone got wet. She gave up in the end and we all got funny looks from drivers on the highway as we ran along the valley trail home, was so funny, running up and down the banks, barking at random things!

Well that's all from me now. Indy and I have trotted smelly paw prints all over M&J's home, and now it's time for sleep! Goodnight all x

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Finna's Diary: Day 3 - Made another new friend!

Wow...I was so pooched yesterday I couldn't possibly put paw to laptop! The person that's not mom arrived again but this time with her man...she said they had been ski-touring and she looked worked! The dude was full of beans though, and maaaaan this guy was awesome! He loves sticks more than me, and he was so excited when he found more and more...I couldn't contain myself - we played and played and howled and grumbled and sang together...I'm sure he must have been a dog in a past life, he is clearly superior to other humans (aside from mom of course) AND he a guy.